Ross Family
Ross Family
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Melissa Ross is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Matthew & Melissa Ross
We met after connecting on a dating app. Many jokes later, I finally convinced him to take me out on a date, even though it was his last day of vacation. We had a hard time deciding where to go and ended up at a bar playing many rounds of pool. From that night, we never left each others sides.
Supporting the other with life’s tough decisions like selling & buying a home, career changes, loss of loved ones our relationship grew fast. A year and four months later, he proposed. We are looking forward to creating a family.
Becoming Parents…
We realized that we really wanted to have children when we reached a point in our lives where exploring and having fun just didn’t seem to fill up our hearts. Something was missing from our lives, and it didn’t take much soul searching to know that it was a family. Once our hearts were set on having kids, we just knew it was the right choice for me.
The Monster
We’ve been living with a Monster for 4 years now! Thoughts of it haunt my thoughts and emotions. I never thought it would prove itself as anything other than fiction, but I was wrong… The Monster started creeping out from under my bed. It lurked around for a while. I told my husband about it and how scary it
was, but he wasn’t too concerned. Yet, I was terrified!! I knew that it was there, every month, around a certain time, it would stick its head out getting bolder as time passed. Eventually, my husband got scared too. We decided to see the Monster Catcher. She gave us cures, & potions to exterminate the Monster, but it was just too stubborn. Month after month, there it was… hiding in plain sight. It was everywhere! At the kitchen table during dinner; in the bedroom cuddling under the covers; on the television in every episode. The Monster tried to pin us against each other, but we stood strong. We realized that the extermination methods we were using weren’t powerful enough. Yet, we just couldn’t afford the new-fangled fancy methods. We would have to wait… save our money and deal with the growls & scratches of this beast, which were growing louder every day.
One day, I woke up, and the Monster was quiet…was it gone? I tiptoed into the bathroom and took the Monster test. The Monster was not tamed… Giving us a little hope, the Monster Catcher wanted to test to see
if the Monster was still around. Our hopes did not last long… the Monster is sneaky like that! Just when you think it’s gone, it sticks its hairy self right back into the mix. Our hopes squashed yet again… But that’s the nature of the Monster. Now more than ever, the Monster is present and sits on my shoulder. My husband tries to ignore it and succeeds most days, but not me… Oh, no… It’s here every day and goes everywhere I
go. We still can’t afford the most effective treatment. My Monster’s name is Infertility. It’s with me even now, biting and clawing, angry that I am telling this story about it. I want to fight the Monster, but I cannot do it on my own. I need help!
Our Journey
08/2020 – Started TTC
09/2024 – Started fertility treatments
Ovarian dysfunction, LPD, male
factor, PCOS
12/2024 – 1st failed IUI
01/2025 – 2nd failed IUI
02/2025 – 3rd failed IUI
Name | Donation | Date |
Aubrey Marsh | $20.00 | March 09, 2025 |
Anonymous | $100.00 | March 05, 2025 |
Anonymous | $50.00 | March 04, 2025 |

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Melissa Ross is organizing this fundraiser.